Lyz Igwe, Author at Diligent Fitness

I just want to feel like I’ve worked hard Lyz, despite this knee pain

Carol tells me she used to run. I’m going to share a short story about Carol who’s developed arthritis in her knees meaning she can no longer run. She started to pile on the pounds, feel stressed and frustrated that she’s missing out on the only time she had for herself. What is arthritis? Arthritis […]

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Lyz I’m fed up of trying to do pull-ups. I never seem to get anywhere…

Katie: “Do I have to do the [assisted band] pull-ups Lyz, I hate them. After two years of training I still don’t feel like I’ve made any progress… And Sarah feels the same.” So, here’s the thing. It’s really hard to do a pull-up. Without any bands to help you. Period. The truth of it […]

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Do you have any good stretches for hips Lyz? Mine feel painfully tight…

7th November 2018 by Lyz Igwe Exercise 0 Comments

Martin: “Can you show me some stretches for my hips Lyz? They feel painfully stiff and tight, I’m struggling to get comfortable and don’t want to resort to pain killers.” Hips feeling tight is a complaint I hear on an almost daily basis. Most of us carry tightness in our hips. Predominantly because we are […]

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Lyz, I want to improve my running time. I’m stuck at…

Dave: “Lyz I want to improve my running time. I’m stuck and can’t seem to get any faster no matter what I try.” This is a question I’ve been asked before. Frustrated runners who want to improve their PBs (personal bests) but have plateaued. The thing is, it’s not all about the running practice. Now […]

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My shoulder is flippin’ killing me. I can’t…

Craig* came into the gym the other morning saying his shoulder was ‘killing him’. So, I asked Craig “how did you hurt it?” I was expecting him to either say: I injured it doing [insert activity] It just started hurting It’s been irritating me for a while, but now it’s 10/10 painful This is typically […]

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A week in Provence

As most of you know, Kieran and I have recently been on holiday in the South of France. Provence to be more exact. Fougassiere near the village of Le Broc to be precise. And whilst I have indeed borrowed from Peter Mayle’s book title, parts of our holiday did at times seem to draw parallels […]

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Ridiculously tasty rustic ratatouille recipe

This is a fantastic recipe for many reasons; primarily it’s delicious and after that… It’s a really easy way to top up your veggie quota for the day, you can make a mahoosive pan full of it as it’s great served as soon as it’s cooked, but also cold next day for lunch. By my […]

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Walking Inspiration: Buttermere – Lake District

Stegosaurus like Haystacks

Stegosaurus-like spine of Haystacks

Looking out to Buttermere

Looking out to Buttermere

Fleetwith Pike... Apparently my way down at the end

Fleetwith Pike... Apparently the way down at the end

View over Buttermere from the fell tops

View over Buttermere from the fell tops

Yep, apparently the steep hill I saw at the beginning WAS the way down

Yep, apparently the steep hill I saw at the beginning WAS the way down

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AMAZING Views from Causey Pike

What a difference a week makes! Last Sunday we were basking in near tropical temperatures on top of Causey Pike in the Lake District – well it sure felt like it compared to the damp drizzle of today. We started out from Little Town, Cat Bells one side of us and the lesser populated Causey […]

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Phantom red squirrels and slippery gyhlls in Grassmere

The other weekend we went back to the Lakes to stay over at our planned wedding venue. We wanted to check out the food basically – it was fab and a rather nice bottle of Argentinian Malbec accompanied it. But let me just quickly explain the phantom red squirrel reference… The venue, and in fact […]

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