Lyz Igwe, Author at Diligent Fitness - Page 4 of 6

Why take fish oil every day?

25th September 2014 by Lyz Igwe Nutrition 0 Comments

From reducing the risk of cancer, heart disease and diabetes, to improving mood and speeding up fat loss, the benefits of supplementing with omega 3 are well known. All we need to do now is get them in your diet. A quick and easy way to speed up your metabolism is to take a high […]

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Quick beef chilli

18th September 2014 by Lyz Igwe Main meals, Recipes 0 Comments

One of my nutrition clients loves his institutional ‘Chilli Thursdays’ but thought he’d have to give them up to reach his goals… not so fast! Here’s a quick and easy way to knock up a mid-week chilli that’ll satisfy your taste buds and help you with your body transformation goals. It’s all about switching a […]

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Stuffed Courgettes (v)

18th September 2014 by Lyz Igwe Recipes, Vegetarian 0 Comments

Here’s a very tasty way to liven up a dreary courgette or two with different flavours and textures… and is nutrition-packed too. Thanks to Gourmet Nutrition for the inspiration. Ingredients: [list type=”arrow2″] 2 medium courgettes halved lengthwise 1 portobello mushroom (or a handful of shitake) chopped into small dice 1/2 can chopped tomatoes2 medium tomatoes […]

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Gym Challenge – September

Vertical Jump / Sargent Jump Test Test your leg muscles elastic strength and power output! This is a test of muscular power, often used in fitness testing. The Sargent jump test consists of measuring the difference between your maximum vertical reach before jumping and at the highest point during a jump. Typically, you swing your […]

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Tomato Basil Soup with Meatballs

28th August 2014 by Lyz Igwe Recipes, Soups 0 Comments

Kieran made this tomato and basil soup with meatballs for lunch yesterday – it’s delicious and nothing like the tinned tomato soup I remember having (and hating) as a kid. The recipe (with a few omissions – honey!) is taken from the Gourmet Nutrition cookbook by Precision Nutrition. It takes about 15 mins prep time […]

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Stuffed Aubergines recipe (V)

This is a great way to make aubergines taste good. Perfect served as a vegetarian course with melted creamy goat’s cheese or as a side dish to lamb. Ingredients: [list type=”arrow2″] 2 Aubergines 1 chopped red pepper olive oil cracked black pepper 1 finely diced onion 2 crushed cloves of garlic 400g tin of chopped […]

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Gym Challenge – August

Underhand Forward Slam Ball Throw Test your athletic potential! According to T Nation doing this with a medicine ball is the best exercise to test athleticism. It’s used by some strength coaches to test athletes in a sports like football, hockey, basketball, or baseball, for athletic potential. We’re doing it with a slam ball to […]

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Gym Challenge – July

TRX Mountain Climbers This is an ab killer – if you thought ab wheel roll-outs were hard… There’s only 1 level here – build up to 30 seconds The hardest part of this exercise I reckon is getting your feet into the TRX handles!  Best bet is to kneel down whilst putting your feet into […]

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Gym Challenge – June

30 Second Eccentric Pull-up Something a bit different this month… a test of strength and willpower rather than balance There’s only 1 level here – build up to 30 seconds Start at the top of a pull-up position and slowly, but continuously, lower yourself down – the idea is to take 30 seconds to get […]

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Gym Challenge – May

Stability Ball (SB) Sitting Balance Test your balance… Level 1: SB Sitting Balance with leg raised Sit on the stability ball with arms stretched out to the side. Then raise your left leg off the floor so it’s straight out in front of you. Level 2: SB Sitting Balance with arms crossed and eyes closed […]

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