Kieran Igwe, Author at Diligent Fitness - Page 5 of 11

How to stop ‘weekend eating’ holding you back

1st February 2016 by Kieran Igwe Nutrition 0 Comments

How do you play the weekend food and exercise-wise? Are you strict through the week with all bets off over the weekend? Enjoying eating and drinking at the weekend without letting it interfere with your fitness and fat loss goals is a real challenge.. I know this is something I’ve struggled with. Along with pretty […]

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Expectations: Get them right and you’ll transform your body

18th January 2016 by Kieran Igwe Motivation 0 Comments

I braved the great outdoors yesterday with a trip up to the Lakes. The aim was to take on Blencathra… one of Englands’ most northerly mountains. But due to some pretty wild conditions (and 60 minutes of crawling through knee deep snow!) I decided to head back. Sometimes not even I’m that stubborn. Hiking in […]

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21 days to a fitter, firmer you!

It’s easy to get caught up in the numbers when you’re trying to change your body. The weight, the inches, the clothes size. Don’t get me wrong, this stuff absolutely matters. But to reshape your body we need to shift focus. We need to reshape your habits. Most habits happen by accident The exercise and […]

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Taking advantage of social influence to transform your physique

Each week I get together with the DF team for a (always challenging!) workout. It’s a great way for us to spend time together, discuss training protocols and test out new exercises while working on our own fitness goals. The sessions give us a chance to train, eat together and talk nutrition. We get to […]

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Habits and Routines That Will Transform Your Body

Lyz and I constantly review the top performers at the gym; the people who make consistent progress, and see changes in their body month after month. We break down what these people are doing differently to everyone else. And there’s a common theme. One that I want to share with you in today’s post. Along […]

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One question for getting un-stuck

22nd October 2015 by Kieran Igwe Motivation 0 Comments

The last couple of months have seen a huge influx of new faces at into the DF programme. It’s great, because serving more people gives me greater clarity on what separates people who go on to achieve the body and fitness goals they set out to achieve, and those who fail. Those who really accelerate […]

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Staying on track long enough to transform your body

26th August 2015 by Kieran Igwe Motivation 0 Comments

I’ve been fortunate enough to oversee my fair share of people absolutely transform their health, fitness and body. And it’s become clear that there are number of pieces to the transformation puzzle. In today’s post I want to share one of the key pieces that’s often missing. A piece that when neglected leaves you feeling […]

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9 strategies to stay lean and toned on your holiday

You’ve been working out hard for months; exercising consistently, eating better and finally you’re starting to notice a difference. Your weight’s down. You feel slimnmer and your clothes fit better. Not only do you feel more toned, but people are starting to comment on how good you look. But there’s a problem. You’ve got a […]

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Are you ‘interested in’ or ‘committed to’ achieving your goals?

Have you ever stuck to a diet that was going so well… until that weekend away where it all went to pot? Have you ever got into exercise and started feeling fitter… only to miss a workout, lose momentum and struggle to get motivated? Have you ever lost a few pounds and started to see […]

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Better Goal Setting For Better Results

How much would it mean to you to not have to hide away under clothes. To stop having to choose an outfit based on how well it conceals the parts of your body you’re ashamed of. My aim is for you to be able to feel proud of what you’ve got. And feel smug in […]

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