Celia Knight - Diligent Fitness

Celia Knight

11th July 2016 get fitter, lose weight

Celia, 58 from Rawdon

“I like having goals involving exercise.  I feel healthier while I’m working on them and of course it’s great to achieve a target”*


*Results may vary from person to person. We cannot guarantee ‘specific’ results, however we do offer a money back guarantee.

Celia, what made you decide you wanted/needed to start an exercise program?

I like having goals involving exercise.  I feel healthier while I’m working on them and of course it’s great to achieve a target. I used to run marathons and enjoyed the structure of the 4 month training programme, it was long enough to need to work at it and feel a difference at the end; it also kept my weight under control. Then nearly 3 years ago while out running, a dog ran at me from behind and took my legs from under me; I sat heavily on hard dry ground and badly fractured my pelvis. I now have a lot of metalwork in me but thanks to brilliant surgery; a lot of support and a lot of patience, I can walk and am pain-free; but I no longer run because of the impact and since I wasn’t  disciplined enough to stop eating and drinking, when my hairdresser told me about Diligent, I was interested to try a personal trainer programme.

What results have you achieved since starting your program?

I’ve lost the 3kg that I wanted to and am back in my size 10 jeans. The L2BL programme was like a marathon programme in that it ran for 12 weeks and the structure introduced new food habits which I’m trying to stick to – mostly!  And I feel healthier too.*

What are you doing differently now to before you decided on your goal?

I try to put at least 3-4 exercise sessions in the diary each week and think more about what I eat and when, quantities and avoiding the rubbish stuff.

When Celia started with me she had a frozen shoulder and was understandably very protective of it. Now she’s lifting weights over her head and is generally a joy to have in sessions. I can’t believe those before and after shots!
Lyz – DF Level 2 Fitness Coach

What do you like best about our program/having a trainer?

The clean slate policy and no rush attitude, which leads to forming new habits. Diligent is a friendly place and the team are great.

What would you say to someone on the fence about joining our program?

If you’ve got an exercise goal or want to make changes to your body weight or shape, I’m sure the team at Diligent can help you achieve it.

*Results may vary from person to person. We cannot guarantee ‘specific’ results, however we do offer a money back guarantee.

